State |
Notes |
Signature |
UNITED NATIONS (UNCITRAL) Convention Ratification, Accession(*), Approval(†), Acceptance(‡) or Succession(§) |
Entry into force |
Albania |
13/05/2009(*) |
01/06/2010 |
Argentina |
(a) |
19/07/1983(*) |
01/01/1988 |
Armenia |
(a), (b) |
02/12/2008(*) |
01/01/2010 |
Australia |
17/03/1988(*) |
01/04/1989 |
Austria |
11/04/1980 |
29/12/1987 |
01/01/1989 |
Bahrain |
25/09/2013(*) |
01/10/2014 |
Belarus |
(a) |
09/10/1989(*) |
01/11/1990 |
Belgium |
31/10/1996(*) |
01/11/1997 |
Benin |
29/07/2011(*) |
01/08/2012 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
12/01/1994(§) |
06/03/1992 |
Brazil |
04/03/2013(*) |
01/04/2014 |
Bulgaria |
09/07/1990(*) |
01/08/1991 |
Burundi |
04/09/1998(*) |
01/10/1999 |
Canada |
(c) |
23/04/1991(*) |
01/05/1992 |
Chile |
(a) |
11/04/1980 |
07/02/1990 |
01/03/1991 |
China |
(b) |
30/09/1981 |
11/12/1986(†) |
01/01/1988 |
Colombia |
10/07/2001(*) |
01/08/2002 |
Congo |
11/06/2014(*) |
01/07/2015 |
Croatia |
08/06/1998(§) |
08/10/1991 |
Cuba |
02/11/1994(*) |
01/12/1995 |
Cyprus |
07/03/2005(*) |
01/04/2006 |
Czech Republic |
(b) |
30/09/1993(§) |
01/01/1993 |
Denmark |
(d) |
26/05/1981 |
14/02/1989 |
01/03/1990 |
Dominican Republic |
07/06/2010(*) |
01/07/2011 |
Ecuador |
27/01/1992(*) |
01/02/1993 |
Egypt |
06/12/1982(*) |
01/01/1988 |
El Salvador |
27/11/2006(*) |
01/12/2007 |
Estonia |
20/09/1993(*) |
01/10/1994 |
Finland |
(d) |
26/05/1981 |
15/12/1987 |
01/01/1989 |
France |
27/08/1981 |
06/08/1982(†) |
01/01/1988 |
Gabon |
15/12/2004(*) |
01/01/2006 |
Georgia |
16/08/1994(*) |
01/09/1995 |
Germany |
(e) |
26/05/1981 |
21/12/1989 |
01/01/1991 |
Ghana |
11/04/1980 |
Greece |
12/01/1998(*) |
01/02/1999 |
Guinea |
23/01/1991(*) |
01/02/1992 |
Guyana |
25/09/2014(*) |
01/10/2015 |
Honduras |
10/10/2002(*) |
01/11/2003 |
Hungary |
(a), (f) |
11/04/1980 |
16/06/1983 |
01/01/1988 |
Iceland |
(d) |
10/05/2001(*) |
01/06/2002 |
Iraq |
05/03/1990(*) |
01/04/1991 |
Israel |
22/01/2002(*) |
01/02/2003 |
Italy |
30/09/1981 |
11/12/1986 |
01/01/1988 |
Japan |
01/07/2008(*) |
01/08/2009 |
Kyrgyzstan |
11/05/1999(*) |
01/06/2000 |
Latvia |
31/07/1997(*) |
01/08/1998 |
Lebanon |
21/11/2008(*) |
01/12/2009 |
Lesotho |
18/06/1981 |
18/06/1981 |
01/01/1988 |
Liberia |
16/09/2005(*) |
01/10/2006 |
Lithuania |
18/01/1995(*) |
01/02/1996 |
Luxembourg |
30/01/1997(*) |
01/02/1998 |
Madagascar |
24/09/2014(*) |
01/10/2015 |
Mauritania |
20/08/1999(*) |
01/09/2000 |
Mexico |
29/12/1987(*) |
01/01/1989 |
Mongolia |
31/12/1997(*) |
01/01/1999 |
Montenegro |
23/10/2006(§) |
03/06/2006 |
Netherlands |
29/05/1981 |
13/12/1990(‡) |
01/01/1992 |
New Zealand |
22/09/1994(*) |
01/10/1995 |
Norway |
(d) |
26/05/1981 |
20/07/1988 |
01/08/1989 |
Paraguay |
(a) |
13/01/2006(*) |
01/02/2007 |
Peru |
25/03/1999(*) |
01/04/2000 |
Poland |
28/09/1981 |
19/05/1995 |
01/06/1996 |
Republic of Korea |
17/02/2004(*) |
01/03/2005 |
Republic of Moldova |
13/10/1994(*) |
01/11/1995 |
Romania |
22/05/1991(*) |
01/06/1992 |
Russian Federation |
(a) |
16/08/1990(*) |
01/09/1991 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
(b) |
12/09/2000(*) |
01/10/2001 |
San Marino |
22/02/2012(*) |
01/03/2013 |
Serbia |
12/03/2001(§) |
27/04/1992 |
Singapore |
(b) |
11/04/1980 |
16/02/1995 |
01/03/1996 |
Slovakia |
(b) |
28/05/1993(§) |
01/01/1993 |
Slovenia |
07/01/1994(§) |
25/06/1991 |
Spain |
24/07/1990(*) |
01/08/1991 |
Sweden |
(d) |
26/05/1981 |
15/12/1987 |
01/01/1989 |
Switzerland |
21/02/1990(*) |
01/03/1991 |
Syrian Arab Republic |
19/10/1982(*) |
01/01/1988 |
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia |
22/11/2006(§) |
17/11/1991 |
Turkey |
07/07/2010(*) |
01/08/2011 |
Uganda |
12/02/1992(*) |
01/03/1993 |
Ukraine |
(a) |
03/01/1990(*) |
01/02/1991 |
United States of America |
(b) |
31/08/1981 |
11/12/1986 |
01/01/1988 |
Uruguay |
25/01/1999(*) |
01/02/2000 |
Uzbekistan |
27/11/1996(*) |
01/12/1997 |
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
28/09/1981 |
Zambia |
06/06/1986(*) |
01/01/1988 |
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