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Forced Law of Contracts for Municipal UNITED STATES Corporation Government Services, Privileges, and Benefits – Part 7

Principles of law to remember

A few simple examples of WHAT TO ASK when there is a Forced Law of Contracts for Municipal UNITED STATES Corporation Government Services, Privileges, and Benefits:

A person that you’re reasonably certain is a representative of one of these municipal corporations contacts you and asserts that you need to contact them to obtain a license or permit.
You respond and agree that if you do have an obligation to get such a license and permit you should certainly do so and will pay.
Then you ask that person to identify themselves and especially identify their principle. (Who They Are Working For)

Is their Principle the republic or the municipal corporation?

If the republic you want to see the constitutional delegation of authority to compel involuntary association and involuntary servitude which is against the law.

If the municipal corporation you need to know if they are acting in a governmental capacity, a proprietary capacity, or as a corporate services vendor.

If in a governmental capacity, you need to be informed of the constitutional delegation of authority to compel involuntary association, debt slavery, and involuntary servitude as a debt slave that the Federal Territorial 14th Amendment made unlawful and illegal.
If in a proprietary or commercial vendor capacity you need to see the underlying signed contract upon which the obligation lies.

Another example: #2:
A person that you can be certain is a representative of one of these municipal corporations contacts you and asserts that you need to contact them relating to a tax obligation.
You respond and agree that if you do have an obligation to pay such a tax you should certainly do so and will.
Then, you ask that person to identify themselves and especially identify their principle.

Is it the republic or the municipal corporation?
If the republic is the principle, you want to see the constitutional delegation of authority to subject you to that particular tax or to compel involuntary association, debt slavery, and involuntary servitude.

If the municipal corporation is the party you need to know if they are acting in a corporate or governmental capacity.
If in a governmental capacity, you need to be informed of the constitutional delegation of authority to subject you to that particular tax or to compel involuntary association, debt slavery, and involuntary servitude. If in a proprietary or commercial vendor capacity you need to see the underlying signed contract upon which the obligation lies.

Another example: #3
A person that you can be certain is a representative of one of these municipal corporations contacts you and asserts that you must collect from others and return to the governmental or municipal organization the collected sales or income taxes from other people that frequent your business.
You respond and agree that if you as a business do have an obligation to collect and return such a tax you should certainly do so and will.
Then, you ask that person to identify themselves and especially identify their principle.
Again, is it the republic or the municipal corporation?

If it is the republic, you want to see the constitutional delegation of authority subject you to debt collection slavery, involuntary servitude, and uncompensated servitude as their unpaid employee tax collector.
If it is the municipal corporation you again need to know if they are acting in a governmental capacity, proprietary, or as a third-party municipal services vendor.

If in a governmental capacity, you again need to know their constitutional authority to subject anyone to unlawful involuntary servitude, uncompensated association, and Debt collection involuntary servitude, and the Employment signed a contract that pays you a salary as a government agent to collect these State sales taxes.

If in a proprietary or commercial vendor capacity you again need to see the underlying contract upon which the obligation lies.
When the agency representative asserts that they can not produce proof of the underlying obligation or signed contract of employment you may simply agree with them that no evidence of an underlying obligation exists and that their original process fails to state a claim upon which relief may be granted by you collecting their sales taxes without compensation as a tax collector.

You must also, in addition to knowing the law, be well-disposed to using it by asking questions.
Think about it..

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