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LEGAL MAXIMS of REASON in the Common Law of the Land, Part 3

Civil rights and actions

Any alteration of these universally accepted maxims is harsh and can be very harmful and even violent and dangerous, even when or if done without that intent.

thus this is why we have negligence laws that clarify the reasonability of patent observance – particularly portrayed by statements such as; “By reason of Susan’s capacity as an officer of the law, she is to know the law” so negligence in bringing someone before the court on a baseless claim is her own onus. This is the same as “Excuse of the Law is No Defense” of being innocent.

The Prosecutors’ and judges’ furtherance with a most certain knowledge of the law is merely proof of their ignorance or bias and nothing less, most certainly not negligence – it is these agents that can no longer be allowed to do what they do as well as the actors on the bench and all other participants BUT; let’s not forget the County Clerk!!!

Clerks are the “joining party” of the State as a “Chief Financial Officer” of the Court AND the “Public Trustee” . See; it is to the Court Judge’s discretion as to accept a case Upon Proof of said Jurisdiction and this can NOT be presumed if questioned!!!
Think about it.

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