"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, they are now SHACKLED with DEBT."

Mortgage Contract Security Money and Discharge of Debt

Mortgage contract security money and discharge of debt

The Banks, Mortgage Lenders, and financial corporation Lenders claim, that their Mortgage Debt Lien Contract Security is money and has been court accepted as money owed. This website Introduces to you the New Credit Agreement Debt Payoff, CAP, Security that has been recorded into County Official Records as a properly registered security, debt, money, U.S. currency, and a money debt instrument the same as the mortgage Securities that they recorded into County Records as Security Money pursuant to the Securities Exchange Commission, S.E.C.; therefore, there is no difference between the New Credit Agreement Debt Payoff Security and their Recorded Mortgage security money.

Yet banks and lenders claim and presume that you may still owe them money as a Borrower and Debtor Citizen, Artificial Person, Legal Fiction, and Corporation in their Commercial world.
The Banks and Lenders became the actual DEBTORS and BORROWERS as Security Investment Companies that borrowed the Mortgage money for a presumed Mortgage Loan from a “warehouse” line of credit major Bank or Investor Trust.

Therefore, You demand the bank to prove that your properly State Registered State Licensed Legally Processed New Credit Agreement Debt Payoff Financial Security that has been recorded, registered, and validated in the State UCC1 Official Records as a valid Security is not money, US Currency, Debt Discharge under article 3-604, Tender in Payment, and Debt Instrument Money pursuant to territorial Federal SEC Rules and the Uniform Commercial Code Banking Laws as their recorded Mortgage Liens are.

You contend that the same as the bank recording your mortgage contract with the County in official records or MERS made your mortgage debt payoff contract also a security and money that by your recording and registering of your Bank/Lender, Trust by Authorized Agent Accepted official records State UCC1 state-licensed and processed New Credit Agreement Debt Payoff Financial Contract Discharge Tender in Payment document is not a security, money, U.S. Currency, debt payoff/Discharge, and a money debt instrument the same as the Bank, Lender, or Investor Trust contract security that is bringing this foreclosure lawsuit and claiming that your County recorded mortgage is a security, money, U.S. Currency, debt, and money debt instrument that they claim by their registering and recording of my mortgage contract into the County Official Records is a debt and the New Credit Agreement recorded Security is not tender in payment for a discharge of the same debt.

You demand the bank or entity bringing this foreclosure lawsuit to prove that your State Company processed Valid, Legal, and accepted as full payment of the said claimed debt State Recorded and legally Registered mortgage payoff New Credit Agreement contract document is NOT a security, money, claimed debt payoff/Discharge, U.S. Currency, or money debt instrument, and is not a debt that they claim or presume you owe does not exist.

Also, request that the Bank prove Territorial Federal Jurisdiction and/or Subject Matter Jurisdiction and that the bank actually holds and owns “Perfected” third Party interest in your Mortgage.

The bank has been legally paid from the Account and Security Obligation of the United States through the bankruptcy of 1933 pursuant to law when assigned by the State UCC3 assignment to be paid from the Account and Security Obligation of the United States under their own banking laws.

By the above, does not the Bank, Lender, or Investor Trust Security and your New Credit Agreement Debt Lien Payoff Security cancel the presumed and claimed debt out to a zero balance and that no money or debt is owed by recoupment?

Demand the bank bringing this foreclosure lawsuit to prove and state with sworn affidavit with a conclusion of law where they got the money that they claim they loaned or lent you since pursuant to law, they cannot lend their own assets, their money, or their depositors’ money for any mortgage, automobile, or anything else to create a debt owed them by you.

Demand that the bank or trust bring this foreclosure lawsuit to prove their Subject Matter Jurisdiction and that they are the original Lender with the only perfected interest of the Mortgage that they gave up that “perfected” interest and are not a presumed third party assigned or sold to pretender owner of your mortgage that has lost their perfected interest and ownership through sale or assignment of your two-part mortgage contract security consisting of both NOTE and recorded Mortgage Contract Security that you unknowingly monetized with your forced funding signature under duress and that they, upon securitization, converted into a security type of money by State/County recording after being placed into the Investor Trust.

Demand that the Bank bringing this foreclosure lawsuit has the State of Florida sub-corporation Territorial Federal Constitution Jurisdiction that proves that you are a 1787, 1871Constitution or STATE OF FLORIDA Citizen, Artificial Person, Legal Fiction, Surety, or Corporation in commerce residing inside their “Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, or other Needful Buildings” as stated in the 1787 Federal and 1871 Corporate Constitutions without any commercial Presumptions, Assumptions, or Opinions.

Demand that the Bank bringing this foreclosure lawsuit prove that you are not a private sovereign living flesh and blood man, one of the American people, that lives in an American Organic Law confederation state outside the boundaries of the Territorial STATE OF FLORIDA and not inside the Territorial State of Florida’s Sub-corporation “Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, or other Needful Buildings” as their rewritten commercial 1787 and 1871 Constitutions’ amendments declare.

Doesn’t the law state that when jurisdiction is not or cannot be proven, the case shall be immediately dismissed with prejudice in your favor for want of jurisdiction and you win the Court case?
Think about it..

The post Mortgage Contract Security Money and Discharge of Debt appeared first on Cancel Your Mortgage With The CAP Financial Security Instrument NOW! – PAY OFF Your MORTGAGE or any Bank Debt In 14 Days Using The CAP Security Instrument! Helping home owners remove their foreclosure. Cancel Your Mortgage with The CAP Financial Security Instrument!

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