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Who wrote the IPN Check

People have asked me – Who wrote the IPN International Promissory Note Check?

People have asked me “Who wrote the IPN International Promissory Note Check? The answer is! You did!

With your signature, as we are just a Documents Processing Company and Not attorneys nor CPA accountants.
Who wrote the IPN Check
Your IPN is funded with YOUR money through your Birth Certificate Bond and Social Security Trust that make up your Reserve Account in the FEDERAL RESERVE. It uses your reserve account to draw from every time you sign your signature on a Promissory Note, credit application, or bank checking or savings account.

What is a Promissory Note? It is Money, legal tender and national currency, but it is also an International Promissory Note, because all promissory notes are accepted as money in the current global International economy.

Most Countries accept the FEDERAL RESERVE INTERNATIONAL promissory Note, Money order international promissory note, or Bank Check international promissory note. This makes all promissory notes international. Want proof of your STRAW MAN Funded Reserve Accounts? I have proof with my BC and SSN in High Yield Investments and diversified portfolio of Fixed-Income Instruments and High Yield funds. As well as my CUSIP Number proving that these Millions of Dollars are yours and mine in this commercial world.

Your STRAWMAN CUSIP Results are as follows:

PIMCO Total Return II Instl Fund
Symbol:      PMBIX
CUSIP:        693390***
Inception Date:   12/30/1991
Net Assets:    $3,080,000,000.00   as of 3/31/2014
Portfolio Assets:    $3,080,000,000.00    as of 3/31/2014


DAVIDA YOUNG(BC ***-9*-*03**)
Fidelity Global High Income Fund
Symbol:        FGHN*
CUSIP:           31641Q***
Inception Date:    5/11/2001
Net Assets:         $253,260,000.00  as of 3/31/2014
Portfolio Assets:  $253,260,000.00  as of 3/31/2014

When you want to know just how much money you have in your Government Birth Certificate Bond and your SS number Trust that make up you Pre-Paid Exempt Reserve Account so you may be able to get money from your stock certificates that are traded on the stock market daily in your Legal fiction, STRAWMAN name, call David at (850)826-1662, SKYPE handle is day global.

The cost for this FUNDS information, is very nominal for the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS you could receive from the stock market trading of your bond and trust, for a very limited time is $2,000.00.

This special offer will be terminated at any time in the future.

See the Who wrote the IPN Check? The answer is! You did! video

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