"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, they are now SHACKLED with DEBT."


Welcome To The us, not U.S. Department Of Loan Debt Payoff Consumer Advocate Web Site

We offer $5,000,000.00 MILLION DOLLARS for any positive law as is below..If you can find any legislative Federal Law that says this Special, Negotiable Financial Security Instrument, CAP , is illegal, a scam, or is a Fraud, I will personally give you $5,000,000.00 MILLION Cash FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE DOLLAR Money!

I really want someone to find this Non-Existent Law, because if anyone does find a law that proves and says that this Special Debt and Loan Payoff Instrument, CAP, is illegal, a scam, or is a Fraud, so are the Mortgage Promissory notes, Loan application promissory notes, Federal Reserve promissory note Dollars, Auto loan promissory notes, Credit card promissory note applications, and any and all other credit applications illegal against the Banks and the United States Government!!!

Do your own research before you think this Special Debt and Loan Payoff Instrument is unlawful and waste your time trying to find that law that does NOT Exist, but if it did exist, it would prove The Bank FRAUD to the Bank’s Hip Pocket Judges, Courts, and the Corporate United States Government that control you as a money-making slave!

Please read our reviews below. If we have helped you, please consider leaving your review, letting other people know about how they can pay off their debt and loans within 14 days as well after we receive everything for you to do our process…

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Debt Loan Payoff
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 32 reviews
 by Daniel
No law exists to declare anything illegal that does not exist! Do you have documented proof that your procedure is effective and bears no legal conseq

I am a chauffeur for 18 years,I drove many people working in financial industry...one day I drove a college student visiting his grand parents in Palm Beach, Florida, we met before and I knew his father is a lawyer...I asked him what is he studying, he responded "...right now I am studying about...INTERNATIONAL PROMISSORY NOTES from www.DebtLoanPayoff.com ...very interesting stuff " and he smiley, I said..."that is powerful stuff...you can pay debts...and more...he replied,"yes, right now I am learning how to pay my tuition debt with IPN processing from David Young at www.Cancel1Mortgage.info where he has a domestic LPN Security with a 100% bank accepted success rate that I am going to try..."

and most people don't know anything bout the banks fraud. They are just baiting or distracting and trying to find out how to do David's copyrighted LPN Security processing. "

They don't realize that they could get arrested for using and infringing on Mr. Young's patented process and e-booklets. Some criminal persons that are using Mr. Young's material without his permission will find themselves arrested and/or prosecuted for fraud in the future, I bet.

 by mr Takaphan jaruhungsin
debt and loan payed off

Thank you sir , for helping me get my home back from the banks 03/28/2017

 by AHC
absolutely love your website

Dear Mr. Young:

I absolutely love your website. So many secrets out there to rescue home owners and it has taken me all these years after dealing with GMAC, then now OCWEN to arrive at this marvel.

Your information was like a shooting star. I will continue to do more research on stopping OCWEN from taking my condo.

My best and thank you,

A. H. C.

 by Ivory
IPN Paid Off My Home

David Young of www.debtloanpayoff.com processed my IPN in a little over 3 weeks and the bank accepted it. Now my home loan is paid.

Thank you David.

I from LA

 by James
The Hero Saves the Homes!!!

My name is James from Las Vegas NV. I met David Young over a year ago. I am so ever grateful for the IPN process this man has worked so hard and so long to develop and create. Our City was devastated with Bank Fraud and the Judges did listen and did allow the homeowners their day in court, but would almost always rule for the banks, People are loosing their homes right and left and its ruining our Great Country!! Thank Goodness for the Big Hero David Young and the amazing IPN,,,,if only people had found out about David's process sooner I am Very Glad I met Mr. Young and joined the www.debtloanpayoff.com team. I want everybody to know about this so we can start to regain our Great Country!!! ,,,,Thank You David.

James from Las Vegas NV.

 by SunGod

I just purchased the course....DEBT DISCHARGE...TO THE RESCUE

 by Fran Olson
Best educator ever!

I have to say that a few weeks ago I was totally lost in my way of thinking about my upcoming foreclosure hearing.

I was totally at the so-called 'mercy-of-the-court'.

I didn't really have much of a clue except I was being ripped off after paying untold thousands of dollars to a bank I never even signed on with.

David Young pointed me in the right direction, and asked all the right questions to get me thinking about the big picture.

I then started analyzing it to see how it all was painted.

I found it was painted by a number of different (con) artists and that they really had me fooled as the painting was really an illusion of reality, not reality.

Just like FDR said in that famous speech.

Now armed with a much better understanding of how I was duped into thinking that I had no real solution because of all the legal mumbo-jumbo thrown at me, I am confident that I will have the best shot at freeing myself from the slavery I was caught/tangled up in.

They will see a different, well-informed, confident man instead of some doormat they can wipe their feet on.

I plan on making them sorry they ever started all this.

I can't say THANKS! enough.


 by David Young
I have Used The IPN Myself And It Worked

I received my Satisfaction of Mortgage with an IPN Check for a FREE and clear home and it was recorded on 19 December, 2013. I have a copy of it in my e-booklet on the www.DebtLoanPayoff.com web site. Nothing is marked out, so you can verify the Satisfaction yourself as positive proof. DY, FLORIDA

 by Aaron

I paid off my auto loan with the ipn

 by John Williams
Mortgage Paid Off As Promised

I want everyone to know that my mortgage got paid off last month. I went to www.debtloanpayoff.com and purchased their e-book that gave me the information i needed. Their program worked! John Williams, San Diego,CA

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This secret loan payoff security instrument, CAP Works in the United States and Canada and ANY COUNTRY that is a member of the UNITED NATIONS by its own Treaty Convention!!!

Credit Agreement Debt Payoff Discharge, CAP, Pays Off Debts Form

Please call SKYPE with dayglobal for debt loan payoff information.

Discover the SECRET Information to pay off your debt or loan using Government Money. Receive your Secret Information about Debt payoff now.

The two satisfactions of mortgage below prove that the Secret Negotiable Security Instrument Legal Tender works to pay off any bank loan, even a mortgage!

Both mortgages were paid off using this Newly Discovered Security Instrument.

IPN Satisfaction 001

IPN BoA Satisfaction 001

Our $5,000,000.00 GUARANTEE!

If you can find a Legislative Federal Law, not an Attorney Judge OPINION BOGUS Court case, or Government website with proof provided, that states this Special CAP Negotiable Financial Security Instrument is illegal, a scam, or is a Fraud, I will personally give you $5,000,000.00 Cash FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE DOLLAR Money for the law!

Do your own research before you think this Special Debt and Loan Payoff Instrument is unlawful and waste your time trying to find that law that does NOT Exist, but if it did exist, it would prove The Bank FRAUD to the Bank’s Hip Pocket Judges, Courts, and the Corporate United States Government!

NOTICE: All the Special Debt and Loan Payoff Instrument Materials are the intellectual property of their creator and are the present opinions, researched by International, Federal, U.C.C., UNITED STATES, and State law, of their creator and processing company that has worked to pay off debts in the past. In this case, the creator is not a licensed professional, Attorney, Accountant, etc., but is an Educated, certified expert for a documents processing company and is not providing legal, financial, marriage, accounting, or relationship advice. As always, yourself responsible mind is capable of checking, confirming, researching, and deciding what to do with said information… which means act responsibly, no one is to blame or thank for the actions you take or don’t take, but YOU.