"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, they are now SHACKLED with DEBT."

The District Of Columbia Act Of 1871 Represents, Part 3

Your social security number is used as a means of setting up ten or more separate and distinct trust funds under the auspices of the U.S. Corporation.

The District of Columbia, i.e. Washington, District of Columbia 10 square mile CORPORATE area, became a completely separate entity unto itself, which became the head of this Corporation which you may think you live and are under their control.

In effect, the Constitutional Republic was given a sleeping pill, but still exists in Courts of Record in Exclusive Common Law, but you need to invoke this court to receive justice under the Law and not the Corporate STATUTES under their Color of Law. And in the organic Constitutional Republic’s place was formed a CORPORATION ultimately under the control of the British Monarchy and the Rothschild banking cabal.

All that we had fought for over two hundred years earlier as part of the American Revolution was falsely shoved aside into the waste bin with the stroke of a pen by the rewriting of the ACT of 1871, Second Constitution by the Banking elite; thus making the Constitution of the united states of America union of the several state nations into a UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (All CAPS) CORPORATION and the American people into corporate debt slaves.. Your Avatar, Legal Fiction, NAME in all CAPS is a Corporation per all legal definitions.. your all CAPS NAME is not you, the man or woman..

From this point forward, each and every single member of Congress, the House of Representatives, and the U.S. President swore allegiance not to the Constitutional Republic, but to the CORPORATION of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’S rewritten Constitution of 1871. The President of the UNITED STATES (All CAPS) is the Chief Executive Officer of this corporation; thus, Presidential Executive Orders or legal Resolutions are unlawful and warring against the 1789 Republic Constitution and the ACT OF 1871 second rewritten Corporate Constitution which is the same except for one word “BY” up to the 13th Amendment according to the UNITED STATES Supreme Court ruling of Washington state vs Trump earlier in 2019..

And you vote for democratic corporate officers whether they be Republican or Democrats, they are still the same corporation officials mainly BAR ATTORNEYS against Article 1 No TITLE OF NOBILITY that should plainly show that you are a DEBT SLAVE of the BANKS and GOVERNMENT without any rights, freedoms, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness.. Think about it..

This is David Young of the family God at www.Cancel1Mortgage.info wishing you all the best and a great debt-free life by utilizing the Negotiable Security Instrument, CAP that is processed by the ONLY Legally Licensed Financial Documents CAP, LPN, IPN, and NSI securities in the USA. We also show you how to register Your Legally processed Security under the SEC laws to make it legal tender, U.S. currency, and bank money.

Each Processed Credit Agreement Debt Payoff, Security at Pay Off Any Debt Or Loan and Payoff Your Mortgage in 14 Days are Registered State Licensed Processed Credit Agreement Payoff Negotiable Security Instruments, similar to FRN Dollars; Mortgage Promissory NOTES; and Mortgage Debt Lien Securities.. CAP Security Instruments are also used as money for debt payoff similar to bank-created money, debt, and loans.. Banks verify and accept the CAP Security to pay off mortgages and debts; the maturity date is over 9 months which qualifies the CAP Security as Bank Verified money with no interest; NOT Capital Gains Taxable; are notarized; are registered securities pursuant to Law; pays bank claimed debt and meets all Negotiable Instrument laws.

I am NOT an Attorney and do NOT practice Law.. I have attended many court cases, conducted countless interviews with Banksters, Attorneys, Law, and COURT officials in my 17 years of research to uncover banking fraud facts, that are in my client instructions..

We help you fight bank and foreclosure fraud and win any COURT case.. Details are in the CAP Security client instructions that have been proven to win any court case hearing or Trial By Jury.. This is why we offer a 90% Money Back Guarantee for our processing if you don’t win.

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Please, subscribe to my video channel and comment on all my videos if you have questions.. Let us know what you think so you may be able to help other people, Okay?? Have a great life debt-free and may God Bless..

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