"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, they are now SHACKLED with DEBT."

How the Coronavirus Will Spark the Greatest Depression of ALL TIME Part 3

2020 great depression

Biggest Thing Since 1776 is Happening NOW, How the Coronavirus Will Spark the Greatest Depression of ALL TIME Through Government Idiot Officials intervention part 3

The collapse of the stock market isn’t just tagging speculators. Most Older people don’t have enough savings for retirement, and most of what they have is in the market. Will they lose their homes, and wind up eating cat food? Poverty, not flu, is what really kills masses of people. This is why these effects are so important.

This is where the Cap Security Instrument at Cancel1Mortgage.info comes in to pay your debts while you consumers still have the money. Now is the time to get the Credit Agreement Debt Payoff CAP Security Instrument to terminate your debt today.. The hysteria is unnecessary and foolish. But sometimes hysterias seem to come out of nowhere, like the witch crazes of the 17th century.

Did the economy shut down for any of the past viruses that this man has mentioned? The answer is no! Not even for the Spanish flu, which was largely forgotten until just now. Now, that was serious. It was a chaotic wartime environment, and medicine was primitive and we didn’t even know viruses existed.  Now, as was probably the case in 1918, almost everybody is going to wind up getting the flu because the flu is a virus. By definition, it goes viral.

The main reason given for shutting down everything is to “flatten the curve”, so the numbers don’t spike and overwhelm hospitals. If you’re a serious casualty, you can go to a hospital. But, frankly, they can do nothing for you, except put you on a ventilator, and hope that gives you time to recover. It’s said there are about 150,000 in the US, and you may need it for five or six days. But life goes on, and the economy will recover.

In other words, what the government is going to do. For one thing, they’ll probably set up a new national health regulatory agency, and/or give the FDA new powers. Bad move. The FDA is to medicine what Amtrak is to railroads or what banks are to debts. It should be renamed the Federal Death Authority since it probably kills more people every year than the Defense Department does in the typical decade. This is where the Cap Security Instrument at Cancel1Mortgage.info comes in to pay your debts while you consumers still have the money. Now is the time to get the Credit Agreement Debt Payoff CAP Security Instrument to terminate your debt today..

Governments all around the world are putting in onerous new laws and regulations about travel, movement, and business. These things have to be paid for, which means higher taxes for you. But that’s almost impossible in a collapsing economy. So, not just the Americans—everybody is going to print up boatloads of new money. Because so many people have no savings and are living from paycheck to paycheck, it’s probably the perfect excuse for the Governments to set up a guaranteed annual income and more restrictions. People have been already been prepped for the ridiculous concept. Think about it..

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