"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, they are now SHACKLED with DEBT."

Testimonials For Mortgage And Bank Debt Payoff

Testimonials for mortgage and bank debt payoff 1024Little Promissory Note Security Form of Bank Money Pays Off Debts Form

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Cancel Your Mortgage With The CAP Financial Security Instrument NOW!

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 26 reviews

by Jan Wilford on Cancel Your Mortgage With The CAP Financial Security Instrument NOW!
Buy Your Home With The Down Payment Method Worked!

I used David’s How To Buy A Home With Only The Down Payment e-booklet pamphlet and followed his instructions.. The trick is to change the Contracts (NOTE and Mortgage) during your legal 3 days to read and review and change the contracts for a MEETING OF THE MINDS before your escrow closing. David’s steps are very explicit and work like a charm. you will find out that the Banks don’t read either! Now, in order to avoid paying property taxes, you must order the NEVER HAVE TO PAY PROPERTY TAXES AGAIN e-booklet pamphlet. It is like an Alodial Title in a WARRANTY DEED where you accept the WARRANTY DEED to make you the owner, not the renter or tenant as the Attorney Drawn up warranty deeds make you. When you follow David’s instructions two to three weeks before your closing, you have a home with just the downpayment as mr. God instructs you. Yes that is his real last name, HahAHAHA, not kidding! Don’t fall for the Bank or Lender home buying fraud! Go to Cancel1Mortgage.info and order yours today.

by James Williams on Cancel Your Mortgage With The CAP Financial Security Instrument NOW!
Wells Fargo said the CAP Security is money at my Medallion Stamp Interview

On 7/1/20 I went to Wells Fargo located in People’s Plaza in Newark, Delaware, and presented Wellsfargo Agent Manager my CAP Security Instrument to pay off my mortgage. She read the security documents and agreed and did stamp my security instrument with the green Medallion Stamp and signed it in blue ink. I hesitated until she answered the ringing phone and looked at her computer. She took my CAP Security out of my hands and said that she could not Medallion Stamp it because it was legal tender and against their policy. Then she wrote Void Void Void over my security instrument Medallion Stamp that she had signed. David Young de God had in his client instructions that I was supposed to take the CAP Security Instrument right after the Medallion Stamp was signed, but I hesitated too long. She had void my CAP Security Instrument and defaced and destroyed my legal tender payment for my mortgage. So I have to pay David for another State Licensed CAP Security to be re-processed to take to Chase for the Green Medallion Stamp in order to pay off my mortgage. This was a costly HESITATION on my part and not following David’s written Client instructions. This is for all you people that intend to use the CAP Security Instrument to pay off your debts in the near future. DO NOT HESITATE! As soon as the bank manager stamps and signs your CAP Security, take it politely and thank her or him and walk out and even if she calls you back, just act like you never heard her. This is the best advice I can give you to get your debts paid off or discharged so you can be debt free.

by troy on Cancel Your Mortgage With The CAP Financial Security Instrument NOW!
Foreclose on Your Bank really Works

Mr David Young de God,

I am writing this testimonial of my own free will and heartfelt thanks for writing you How To Foreclose On Your Bank. It worked and the IRS put over $200,000.00 dollars into my bank account after I followed your instructions.

I feel that you are giving it away for peanuts when it is well worth thousands of dollars. I sent in the verification letter and the invoice and the UCC1 the way you wrote it and this year 2020 I received my landslide money as you said I would.

At first I did not believe it could be possible but after buying your e-booklet I now feel that I did not waste a dime. I really think you should charge $5,000.00 for it. Thank you very much and I urge everyone to go to your www.Cancel1Mortgage.info website for a wealth of successful information.

I just ordered the rest of your e-booklets and another two CAP Security Instruments to pay off my other debts since the first one worked so well. I pray that you and your family have a great year. Troy from New York

by BG on Cancel Your Mortgage With The CAP Financial Security Instrument NOW!
12 years as a Major Bank Banker

B.G., California
I have been in banking for over 12 years. I purchased your e-booklet and didn’t believe it. Although I haven’t purchased your CAP security instrument yet because I have a great paying job high up in a major bank and do not have any major debt. Anyone doubting your legally processed CAP security instrument from the verified copies I read in your Cap security e-booklet must be crazy not to take advantage of this miracle debt payoff solution.

Your Credit Agreement Debt Payoff, CAP, security instrument is a valid, well presented, professional, factual, and properly written registered negotiable security instrument and United States legal tender pursuant to Federal Banking Law which overrules State courts or State Court Case Law. With a little research anyone can pay off their bank loan and debt with a public posted note, CAP security instrument from David at cancel1mortgage.info, or a properly worded letter.

These people who doubt lack the competency to read and comprehend or have not done their due diligence of research. Yes, you can discharge a loan with a legally processed promissory note such as a CAP Security Instrument under the United States Uniform Commercial Code statutes and banking laws that all courts shall legally adhere to if properly processed!

People are just so asleep in the Corporate Matrix, being happy to receive government benefits and privileges that they actually pay for through direct and indirect income and State fees and taxes, but people don’t know it because they’re afraid to understand that it’s better to discharge your debt with the CAP security instrument than to use your sweat equity, labor, property, or working for FRN’s which are promissory notes also to pay off or discharge debts. Keep on fighting the good fight David.

I find your CAP security instruments are 100% legal and binding when people follow your properly written instructions and I see you guarantee the debt being paid or discharged or you refund their CAP security instrument processing costs when and if they follow your written client instructions that you sent me to review which is very admirable of you and the people can’t lose when they follow your client instruction solution. I know this to be true as a Banker by working in a major bank for almost 13 years.

It is always a WIN, WIN, WIN situation for your clients when they follow your instructions. Your legal CAP Security Instrument is paying the bank debt from my validated research, personal knowledge, bank knowledge, and monetary system economics experience and you are freeing people of imaginary debt; otherwise, you would not still have a legal Public Service Enterprise with a State license under Bank and Banking Association rules.

Yes, I have checked out the Private Bankers Bank in common law and it is 100% legit by its registration State charter. As I have said here, “Keep on fighting the good fight David and someday more people will see that they can pay off debts with your CAP security instrument and win in any court by following your client instructions. Thank you again for graciously seeking my advice and allowing me to read, study, inspect, validate as a bonafide valid security instrument money. I approve it with scrutiny and a lot of disbelief as I was very skeptical of the legality of your process at first before I received your client instructions. I love the way you ask judges questions to back them into a proverbial legal corner. Everything in your instructions is right on the money if people will just follow them and take action, they can be debt-free.

by James H, California on Cancel Your Mortgage With The CAP Financial Security Instrument NOW!
Mortgage negative cleared from credit reports

Most times, you don’t even get to know how some negatives get on your report. Is it because I am behind on my mortgage? I have a family of 3 kids and my wife. My family decided to return back home from Houston due to the flood earlier in June. My family live in Houston with a mortgage that I need to pay each month. I live in San Francisco due to my job. I occupy a little space here as I stay alone. Prior to the flood, my family planned to join me over in San Francisco after she sold the house. So I needed a larger space, so i decided to apply for a loan to get the funds for a bigger space. I had 658 on my credit score which made me feel I’d qualify for the loan, only for me to get rejected and realize that I had 3 negatives including a mortgage late payment which I never knew how it happened.

This prevented me from getting the loan and it hurt all the plans I had made to get my family over here. I was completely hopeless till I met David Young de God on the internet at www.cancel1mortgage.info. Oh I’m eternally grateful to him for all his help. He’s a genius debt payoff expert and he knows different methods for a better credit life to be debt-free. David gives facts and information on YouTube but if you want a quick change he can help raise your credit score by paying off your mortgage debt with a Security instrument. After meeting David, our whole story changed. He helped me pay off the mortgage in just 14 days so my wife and kids could join me which helped me buy another larger home with the improved credit score. David even showed me how to write the Mortgage company to get their negative entry off my credit report. You can SKYPE him with his dayglobal username or send an email asecrettomoney at gmail.com. You can thank me later! James H. California.

by April G. on Cancel Your Mortgage With The CAP Financial Security Instrument NOW!
Thought Bank Rejected our CAP Security Instrument

After receiving the CAP Security Instrument on 21 September from cancel1mortgage.info, I informed David Young de God that the bank rejected it and refused to sign it. David asked me if I had followed his client instructions and I told him that I was and in the process of suing the bank as instructed. David asked me if I had left the originals as instructed with the last branch of the bank I had gone to get the CAP security instrument received and accepted. Of course. David then informed me about the bank accepting it under Black’s Law Dictionary because they handled it and read it; therefore, they accepted it as a mortgage payment in full since I had given legal tender to the bank. I reiterated this in court and I won because I did follow David’s written client instructions. David offers a 100% money-back guarantee on his processing to win in court. I’ll be dang if he wasn’t telling the truth.. I asked the judge the simple questions in David’s client instructions and won my court case. It was easy as I just read off the questions as written. I backed the judge into a tight legal corner when I asked him those all-important questions. The judge had no choice but to give me my home free and clear. Thank you, David and I will tell everyone I know how David helped me with his CAP Security instrument processing system. Truly thanks again, David.

by Virgil R on Cancel Your Mortgage With The CAP Financial Security Instrument NOW!
Skeptic without a lot of time

For a skeptic man busy without a lot of time, I want to take a minute to thank David of the family God for introducing me to the CAP security instrument at cancel1mortgage.info. I viewed several of his youtube videos before I contacted him. This CAP security instrument has actually paid off my mortgage and a credit card debt just as David said it would and I didn’t even have to go to court for either one of these debts. I just followed David’s instructions and wrote them a letter explaining that I did not legally sign their NOTE AND MORTGAGE LIEN or BoA credit card lien and do not have a SSN which both banks said I had. The CAP Security instrument is actually money that the U.S. Treasury paid on my behalf as an obligation of the United States under the law that David pointed out. Sorry I don’t have more time to explain the CAP, but I can say it is a credit agreement that pays off debts just as the name implies. Thank you, David of the Family God, from the bottom of my heart. Virgil R from California.

by Robert-James on Cancel Your Mortgage With The CAP Financial Security Instrument NOW!
Jean Keating Approves the CAP Security Instrument

My Name is Robert-James I live in Washington. I wanted to write this Letter of thanks To David Young de God for allowing me to purchase a “CAP SECURITY” Negotiable Security to pay off the amount of $50,000.00 USD that I used to pay off a Bank of America Visa credit card and, to attest to the fact that it was accepted by Bank of America in writing with acceptance signature and I now have a Zero Balance. I have attached to this letter and the last E mail of an E-bill from B of A, to verify this payoff with the CAP security instrument for any of the skeptics of which I was one of.

I am by invitation one of the privileged few Humble students of The Jean B. Keating Law School and I have Professor Keating’s permission to mention that he in fact reviewed the CAP Negotiable Security that I received from David/DG Processing/ Cancel1Mortgage.info and successfully used the CAP Security to pay off my Visa card and Jean B. Keating said the CAP SECURITY INSTRUMENT Negotiable Security follows the same basic sound principles of law he has been teaching for the last 50 years and agreed to allow me to use his name in endorsement of The CAP Negotiable Security Instrument that I received from David Young de God thru Cancel1Mortgage.info.
I am not being paid by anyone to make this endorsement. I told David I would make him a testimonial after I was sure the debt was paid off and now I am sure of it. I presented the “CAP SECURITY INSTRUMENT” Negotiable Security to Bank of America and obtained their Acceptance signature in May 2019 and the last Bank of America E-Bill I received from Bank of America that is attached to this Letter is Dated September 2019. I have redacted my personal info from the letter and am allowing David to show his future clients this and this letter.

Thanks Again David and Cancel1Mortgage.info
Proof that the CAP Security Works!

by Karen Williams on Cancel Your Mortgage With The CAP Financial Security Instrument NOW!
People have told me that I could not pay my debt off with a piece of paper called the CAP Security Instrument.

People have told me that I could not pay my debt off with a piece of paper called the CAP Security Instrument. My bank did not know what it was but said that they only accepted payment in a bank electronic transfer or a bank cashier check, or dollar money and would not accept anything else per the mortgage documents. I did some research and found a law that stated that banks had to accept otherwise besides the almighty FRN dollar. I contacted David Young at Cancel1Mortgage.info after reading his site. Did you know that David is the only State licensed processor of the CAP Security Instrument and that banks, courts, State property tax departments, Hospitals, and the IRS have accepted David’s form of payment? Well, they have and I jumped in not knowing what to expect. I thought the money I paid David for the processing was lost after i paid, but to my surprise, the CAP Security Instrument worked and paid off my mortgage debt as the bank accepted it as a payoff! I wish to thank you David for all your help and understanding and hand holding and by the way, your client instructions have a wealth of information to help us do it ourselves without an attorney. I would strongly encourage everyone in debt to go to cancel1mortgage.info and use David’s Commercially registered CAP Security Instrument to pay off your debt now today after you read this. Thanks again David, you are a Godsend to me. Karen

by John Simmons on Cancel Your Mortgage With The CAP Financial Security Instrument NOW!
The real deal CAP security instrument

I did not think it possible! I found the real deal with David’s legally processed CAP security instrument that I tried and it was very successful in getting my mortgage paid in full. Bank of America accepted my CAP Security Instrument after about 30 minutes of the bank manager talking to their legal department after faxing them a copy. I explained that they had to send it to their Head of the Collections Department and after they got confirmation that the CAP security instrument was legal from their Legal Department, the manager did an inter something to their Collections department before I left with my signed received and accepted copy of the CAP security Instrument and the Mortgage debt lien security payoff discharge. I am so glad I got over my fear and contacted David at www.cancel1mortgage.info for my mortgage debt termination. I am so relieved and David is a GOD SENT man from heaven. I recommend that you go to his website and get this silver bullet to terminate all your debts. John

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Please download the PBNBA E-Booklet here AND IT GIVES YOU THE LINK that you must copy and paste in your browser to downloasd=d your e-booklet. Sorry that PayPal does give you a clickable link to download.. Copy and paste this link in a safe place on your computer and also write it down for future Purchased E-booklet downloads so you can have access to your Purchased E-booklet every day of the year..

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Please read the description before ordering.. AND Remember, you must also purchase the $29.95 Private Banker E-booklet at www.PBNBA.com in order for us to Process both the Private Bankers membership and the LPN Security..

“This SPECIAL, Little Promissory Note Security E-booklet is for informational and educational purposes only.. It will explain the laws that make the SPECIAL, Little Promissory Note, LPN SECURITY, a security instrument and a Legal Tender Payment for all types of financial debts and mortgage and note full payment, even if in foreclosure; copies of the bank approved LPN; verifiable payoff proof; about the items needed to pay off your MORTGAGE LIEN, MORTGAGE PROMISSORY NOTE, and Debts; THE PROCESSING FEES; How to make money by helping others in your own independent contractor business on the BUSINESS IN A BOX Page; and the cost of the SPECIAL, Little Promissory Note Mortgage and Debt Payoff Processing for your situation! Whether or not you decide to use the SPECIAL, LPN Security to get you DEBT FREE is your choice .”

All homeowners in a bank mortgage can reach David At: E-Mail ASecretToMoney@gmail.com or SKYPE with dayglobal

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