How To Pay Student Loan Debt

How To Pay Off Your Student Loan Debt Quickly Using Uncle Sam’s Money.

"Modern Slaves are no longer shackled in Chains, they are now SHACKLED with DEBT."

Using Leverage and Fractional Banking – To Discharge a Debt

When the USA went bankrupt in 1913 (United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993, Vol. 33, page H-1303), Congress agreed to pay all debts incurred by the American People and at the same time, a bailout and an exclusive relationship with the Private Federal Reserve Bank System (the FED). This private relationship is unique in […]

Using Leverage and Fractional Banking – To Discharge a Debt Read More »

MORTGAGES and DEBTS PAID With Credit Agreement Payoff, CAP Security Instrument Promissory Note

Click the PLAY Button > on this audio NOW.. We offer a 100% Money-Back on our Credit Agreement Payoff CAP Security Instrument Promissory Note Processing if it does not pay off your debt when you follow and implement our written client instructions.. Details upon request when you call David at 512-679-9852 with any questions

MORTGAGES and DEBTS PAID With Credit Agreement Payoff, CAP Security Instrument Promissory Note Read More »

What Do Banks Offer Borrowers As Legal Consideration in a Loan

NOTHING!! You make the down payment at your Notary Closing that pays the seller any equity he has in the real estate property and pays the Notary closing agent to extort your consideration signature. It is you that is giving the consideration in the form of FRNs as the down payment and your consideration signature

What Do Banks Offer Borrowers As Legal Consideration in a Loan Read More »

CTRNcoins Seems like years since people have carried physical cash in their wallets.

Bank promissory note checks, Debit cards, and credit cards changed everything. Now there’s a new change – digital money. Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Ethereum, CTRNcoins … whatever you call it, digital currency is here to stay and is used by over 80 thousands worldwide businesses and growing every day. Cryptocurrency is growing so fast that in some cases

CTRNcoins Seems like years since people have carried physical cash in their wallets. Read More »

A Proof of DIFFERENCE between the original Blue Inked NOTE and MORTGAGE and the Illegal Alternate COPY the BANK ATTORNEYS fraudulently pawn off on the COURTS as originals..

Here folk is an original Mortgage which consists of BOTH Promissory NOTE and Mortgage Lien Security Contract that I received thru the Small Claims Court after it was paid off with the LPN now known as the Credit Agreement Payoff Security Instrument. As you can see there is a 3/4th inch to a 1-inch margin

A Proof of DIFFERENCE between the original Blue Inked NOTE and MORTGAGE and the Illegal Alternate COPY the BANK ATTORNEYS fraudulently pawn off on the COURTS as originals.. Read More »

What are the physical and electronic forms of money today

Today, cash and bank deposits are the two main forms of money. CASH includes Bank Promissory Notes, Money Orders, Checks, and the CAP Security NOTE at The vast majority of all money in the US is held electronically as deposits with no backing of intrinsic value. There is just a small proportion held in physical form as cash

What are the physical and electronic forms of money today Read More »

COMMON LAW? What Is It And Is It Still In Effect And Lawful?

Yes, Common Law and Common Law Courts of Record are still in effect and are lawful by the Magna Carter, 1776 American Declaration of Independence, 1787 Constitution for the United States of America Union, original State Constitutions, and United States Commercial Corporation Law Statutes under the Color of Law… American Common Law was ORIGINALLY based

COMMON LAW? What Is It And Is It Still In Effect And Lawful? Read More »

Credit Agreements versus Contracts. Which one do you need and why

Bank credit agreements are promissory notes and binding contracts.. The Credit Agreement Promissory Note Contract is used as and called money in the commercial world of corporate Government, Bank, and COURT make believe.. Contracts are the same thing before 1933 when the United States went bankrupt and stole the wealth and property from the American

Credit Agreements versus Contracts. Which one do you need and why Read More »